Digital Trends

CTV vs. OTT: Did I say it right?

Mariana Fernandes  |  

The advent of streaming services in the past decade has completely transformed the way we consume entertainment. Initially a lot of people switched to streaming to save money and escape the advertising-heavy world of TV, but now ads are slowly trickling into streaming services as a way for companies to make additional revenue from usership.…

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Maintaining Personal Privacy and an Open Democracy in an Algorithm-Driven World

While many of us worry about our personal data privacy and security on an ongoing basis, these interrelated issues tend to become political hot buttons each time an election nears. A few weeks ago, the FBI reported that widespread election interference and misinformation was coming from Russia and Iran. This time the communication medium was…

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Keep Your Brand Safe With Facebook’s Brand Safety Controls

Caylee Southland  |  

It's every marketer's dream to run ads on the exact websites that your target audience is on. Fortunately, through automated online advertising, you’re able to do exactly that. But (there always has to be a but) while your ads are able to run on these particular websites, it doesn't mean these websites are ones you…

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Tips for Creating a Memorable Logo

Cristina Lee  |  

Let’s talk about how logo design can influence the consumption, thus success, of a brand. 90% of all the information we absorb is visual and this visual material is processed 60,000 times faster than text. Most of the time, people actually make unconscious judgments about what they see – whether they trust what they are…

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How & When To Run Facebook A/B Tests

Mariana Fernandes  |  

Facebook highly encourages A/B testing to help inform your campaign strategy, especially for creative changes. They have a specific tool for conducting these tests on their Business Manager platform. But is A/B testing right for your campaign? Learn more about the basics of A/B testing to find out. What is an A/B test An A/B…

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4 Ways Social Listening Can Improve Your Advertising Campaigns

Social media has always been used as a means for brands to communicate and engage with their fans and followers. On the consumer’s side, social media is often used as a means to reach out to brands, give feedback on products, and share concerns or praises. It is easier than ever before for brands to…

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How to Write Blog Posts People Will Want to Read

Caylee Southland  |  

Before diving into the world of blogging, it’s important to know how to write blog posts that people will actually want to read. Blogs are supposed to be informative, but not dry and clinical. They’re not a college essay, and shouldn’t be written like one. With dedicated time and effort, a blog can become extremely…

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The Old-Time Podcast Era

Digital TAP  |  

In many ways it feels like the radio era is back—except we’re not listening to broadcast radio like our parents and grandparents did—we’re listening to podcasts. According to the New York Times, more than half of people in the United States have listened to a podcast, and nearly one out of three people listen to…

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Teen Media Consumption Trends in 2019

Isaac Maltzer  |  

Common Sense Media just released the findings of their 2019 teen media consumption survey, cataloguing teenagers' continuously evolving media usage patterns. The report compares and contrasts 2019 media habits among teenagers aged 13-18, against 2015 teenage media habits. It also includes media habits of tweens (aged 8-12), but for the sake of this post, we'll…

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Why (Some Of) Your Ads Should Suck

Ah, the advertising creative process. It’s why we do our jobs. Who doesn’t want to spend their days coming up with exciting, challenging, clever words, concepts, and images that impress our friends, make our moms proud, and delight our clients so much that they want to kiss us on the lips? Of course, all of…

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