Monthly Archives: December 2016

Too Much to Tweet: The Children

Mariana Fernandes  |  

Here at Civilian, summers are cherished for one reason and one reason alone: there are no “Children.” Allow me to explain. Right behind our office are great places where some of us like to go to grab a quick, inexpensive lunch. When we moved to our current location, we would stroll out of the office…

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You Have Reached Your Destination

Understanding the dynamics of social media is critical to the success of today’s marketer.  In our Digital Travelscape series, we will examine the changing tides in digital marketing to highlight emerging trends that impact how travelers make buying decisions.  Follow Civilian throughout this journey and discover new insights and approaches to your travel & tourism…

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Consumer Trust & Leveraging Social Influencers

Understanding the dynamics of social media is critical to the success of today’s marketer. In our Digital Travelscape series, we will examine the changing tides in digital marketing to highlight emerging trends that impact how travelers make buying decisions. Follow Civilian throughout this journey and discover new insights and approaches to your travel & tourism…

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