Monthly Archives: October 2012

The best days are those that start with fresh inspiration.  It can be easy to roll straight from bed to your desk without so much as thinking about where you’re going or how you got there- it’s routine.  I’ve found that browsing the internet for about 10-15 minutes prior to diving into work can be…

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As part of its comprehensive Suicide Prevention Initiative, the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) announces the official launch of the Know the Signs campaign website Know the Signs is a statewide suicide prevention marketing campaign built on three key messages: Know the signs. Find the words. Reach out. The campaign is intended to…

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This morning I came across a video ad for Water is Life called “First World Problems Anthem.”  This PSA style advertisement features individuals living in third world environments speaking about first world problems as popularly hash tagged on Twitter. Perhaps this ad centers a bit heavily on guilt, and, ironically, those using the hash tag…

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It’s that time of year where American flags fly high and Facebook feeds flood with both positive and negative (educated and uneducated) comments about who will be the next leader of our country.  I really can’t imagine the pressure of being a political leader, or any celebrity figure for that matter; having your every word…

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