Monthly Archives: July 2013

The Royal Baby Has Crowned

Sherry LeCocq  |  

Well, folks. In case you haven’t heard, Baby Royale has made his grand entrance into the world. News outlets, facebook and Twitter are all buzzing with gossip, speculation, and, in some cases, disdain over the arrival. What will the royal name be?  How is momma Kate doing? Will the Her Royal Highness babysit on the…

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Kids React to Cheerios Commercial

Sherry LeCocq  |  

As advertisers, we are often asked to come up with creative campaigns that appeal to a broad range of ethnicities, which could mean anything from tailored materials translated into different languages or simply including images of people representative of a specific race or culture. Cheerios’ recent commercial featuring an interracial married couple and bi-racial child…

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That’s the Stuff

Sarah Michelle Matley  |  

Twinkies are back! Along with all of their delicious, mystery-cream filled friends. I’m fairly certain there are still people in this world who were just now hearing that Hostess was disappearing, but after being off shelves for 7 months, Hostess has launched a comeback. I have a slight suspicion that this might be a strategic…

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