Monthly Archives: December 2012

According to the Mayan calendar, the world may end on Dec. 21, but the Jell-O brand is introducing a tongue-in-cheek commercial about its own effort to avert the apocalypse. Check out their awesome ad.   Sherry LeCocq Public Relations Account Manager Mood: Relieved

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AdEase’s Interactive Marketing Manager, Chad Recchia, delivers key industry insights to ECT News Network for an article regarding Facebook’s new video ads set to launch within the next year. Read the article here titled “Facebook to Place In-Your-Face Video Ads in News Feeds."   James Williams Media Coordinator Mood: Updated

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AdEase is proud to announce that the statewide suicide prevention campaign called Know the Signs garnered coverage in Booster Shots, the LA Times Health Blog. This is not only a huge win for reaching one of our key demographics, but it is also great progress for the campaign since it is being covered as a…

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