Monthly Archives: July 2014

Keeping up with Mobile Advertising

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via Adweek As advertisers, we've all heard that technology is changing faster than anyone can keep up with. It's frustrating and exciting at the same time.  As new opportunities arise, more work for agencies follows, and our clients as organizations. In fact, 91% of advertisers polled by data company Jivox claim their companies will spend…

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On Designing for Social Change…

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Advertising is not considered the most humble profession in the world. The perception of our industry is led by sensational protagonists like Don Draper and Roger Sterling of Mad Men. Hardly the charitable bunch. The times they are a changin', however. Advertising is moving toward a trend of social impact, and design is at the forefront of the…

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AP Journal #6: Inspiration, Are You There?

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Any job that calls for creativity usually requires a certain level of inspiration. A while back I wrote a piece on the creative process and the issues that I personally have with it. Although the final product that comes out of a creative process is interesting. What I find more interesting than the final product…

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Weird Al Leverages Viral Potential For Production Backers

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Whether you’re a fan of parody music or not, there is no denying that Weird Al’s music catches attention (see the video above.) In an effort to promote his new album “Mandatory Fun” which will be his first release in three years, Weird Al has released music videos routinely for the last week. Music videos…

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AdEase AP Journal #4

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I never actually pictured myself working in media or advertising. I have always pictured myself working with franchisees, specifically in international development. I have been fortunate enough to work with a number of companies throughout my college experience and found, unexpectedly, that I actually have a passion for working in media. Realizing that businesses revolve…

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Looking for the Edge

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The relationship between advertisers and the customer is interesting. The goal is to appeal to the target market and imbed an idea that eventually leads to a measurable action. It seems like the moment the word “viral” was used to describe something catching on fire figuratively on the internet, advertising was changed. The change that…

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Big Data: The Universal Cure

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According to, big data companies are no longer dealing with just marketers in the use of their consumption level data. Large strides are now being made into the medical and healthcare field to create personalized treatment plans based on buying patterns. The data is then being further analyzed to create in-depth predictive models to…

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AdEase AP Journal #3

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I consider myself fortunate in having had the opportunity to gain lots of experience before recently graduating college. What's more, the opportunities I've had learning in my field have been in working with real clients and products, allowing me to grow my professional portfolio to something I can be proud to call my work. Though all…

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A World Cup of potential

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In an hour, the US and Belgian FIFA World Cup teams will be proudly chanting their anthems as they prepare to play 90 minutes of football (yeah, football) in one of the most dramatic and exciting World Cups of the last decade. Sure, I'll watch it on my DVR as soon as I get home but in honor of my spitefully…

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