Monthly Archives: June 2012

Today is Social Media Day! To commemorate this holiday, tell us your thoughts. What do you think about social media? What do you like? Dislike? How has it affected your relationships? How much time do you spend on Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest on average? How do you feel about the relationship status? How public/private is your FB page?…

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I started my Facebook page my senior year of high school as a mom-safe alternative to MySpace.  Since everyone and their mother (quite literally) had MySpace accounts, I was constantly getting checked up on by other moms who would report my daily doings to my mom.  I never had anything bad or offensive on my…

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Call me nerdy but one of my favorite "games" to play while watching television or a movie is "Find the Product Placements." Product placement is ubiquitous in media.  I love to imagine the strategy behind it.  Why did the Marketing VP of Oreo Cookies decide to place their product in the TV show "Friends" rather than "7th Heaven"? What would…

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  Schmoozing has a somewhat negative connotation.  Typically it's associated with shady car salesmen or vendor shows- sellers kissing buyers behinds regardless of how they feel about them to keep the money trail happy.  It's not something I enjoy doing, or am good at doing- perhaps why I shy away from the sales side of advertising.…

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