Monthly Archives: September 2019

California Clean Air Day is October 2: How We’re Practicing What We Preach

Pete Levine  |  

At Civilian we take a hard stance on a few things: 1. We seek first to understand before we try to be understood. 2. We are pro-dog: the more the merrier. And most importantly, we believe: 3. Where there's a WE there's a WAY. This isn’t just a pithy and inspiring rally cry that’s posted…

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Kim Coutts: Public Relations Superhero

Sarah Flocken  |  

Earlier this month, after an extensive search for the perfect candidate, Civilian welcomed Kim Coutts as our new Director of Communications and Outreach—and she’s worth the wait. Kim brings more than 25 years of experience, including a stint as SVP and partner at leading global PR agency FleishmanHillard, and five years of running her own…

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