Advertisers Score Big on Super Bowl Sunday

Jan 25, 2012  |  By Civilian  |  

Advertising, the black sheep of the entertainment industry will have its day. Often, Advertising is seen as an annoyance….even an intrusion. However, there is one golden day for advertisers. One day of the year when advertisements are revered, even anticipated and desired. That glorious day is Super Bowl Sunday.

According to many ad agencies work for months and spend upwards of 3.5 million dollars on one spot. Is it worth it? For the opportunity to be a part of history and reach the biggest audience ever during the most important game in American sports, I emphatically say “YES!”Look at the effects of many famous advertisements in the past like Apple’s in 1984, Coke’s Mean Joe Greene in 1979, or the many humorous advertisements from Bud light and Doritos in recent years. One thing is certain. Super Bowl Sunday is about advertisements that can create great memories and unparalleled brand recognition for many years.

Now, let’s look at this from a media buying perspective. As a result of media fragmentation, people are usually using two media at once or using devices to record and fast forward through pieces of art (aka advertisements). However, during live sporting events this is not the case, especially Super Bowl Sunday. Over 100 million viewers will be tuned into the game and, more importantly, the most anticipated advertisements of the year. This turns out to be $0.03/viewer. After social media catches the magic and turns an advertisement viral, many brands create a social media marketing identity through little effort of their own; a value uncalculated by traditional efforts. Unlike just a few years ago when the best ads were only discussed through friends and co-workers, social media creates instant feedback and discussion online. While the water cooler conversations will still occur, the digital culture allows advertisers to see the impact of their work in real time. Cool stuff!

Don’t have the budget for a big time media spot on Super Bowl Sunday? Don’t worry. You can still catch the glamour surrounding the game. Join in on the fun of social media marketing. Engage your desired audience on topics surrounding the big game. In fact, to show SMM works even big corporations like Pepsi are opting out of the short-lived media spot and opting for an exceptional social media campaign. Two years ago Pepsi decided not to run an advertisement during the Super Bowl and instead invested in a social media campaign called the Pepsi Refresh Project. In retrospect, it was a smart decision. Pepsi was number one in total online reach relative to other advertisers on Super Bowl Sunday, according to Alterian SM2 data.

So, on Super Bowl Sunday enjoy the game and the advertisements. But, remember the art behind the ads and welcome the art gallery into your home and your hearts. Also, engage, engage, engage, there is no better time than now. Boot up your computer and go on your Facebook business page during the game. Look around to see what people are talking about and comment when it’s relevant to you. Also, find some interesting points of your own and share it with your new digital community. Trust me they will appreciate it.

James Williams
Media Intern
Mood: Amused


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