The uncommon agency for the common good

All posts by Jessica Little

Tips for Designing One-Pagers

September 21, 2020 | by Jessica Little | How To’s

One-pagers or one-sheeters, depending on whether or not you are using both sides, usually share the primary function of distilling key information and presenting it on a single sheet of paper in a way that is both brief, and easy to understand. However, getting that information into a digestible, and aesthetically pleasing format can often…

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Jessica’s Untitled Zine Project – Part 3

March 26, 2019 | by Jessica Little | How To’s

Part 3 of 6: Like-Minded Individuals Disclaimer: After extensive research (aka one google search), I have come to the conclusion that what makes a zine a zine is that the creator calls it one. So, in the interest of unwavering accuracy: no, the independent comic book I am going to bring up isn’t technically a…

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Housing Matters

December 28, 2018 | by Jessica Little | Client Spotlight

Recently, Civilian had the opportunity to help Housing Matters, a San Diego County program that provides supportive housing and recovery resources to homeless San Diegans with mental illness, update their website. The primary goal was to ensure that the resources and information included on the site were accessible and easy to navigate. While the site…

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Jessica’s Untitled Zine Project – Part 2

November 6, 2018 | by Jessica Little | How To’s

Part 2 of 6: Straight from the Source: An Interview with Joel Barber In order to get a first-hand account of what making and marketing a zine is like, I interviewed Joel Barber, a comedian and writer whose zine, Million Dollar Underwear, I have contributed design and illustrations to in the past. Joel offers some…

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Jessica’s Untitled Zine Project

July 16, 2018 | by Jessica Little | How To’s

Part 1 of 6: An Introduction and History Lesson The rise of social media, especially as a marketing platform for brands and individuals alike, has not only given a voice and reach to individuals and artists, but has also dragged some of the more traditionally “underground” forms of artistic expression to the mainstream. For example,…

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