Tag Archives: Advertising

The “Connected Consumer”

Accepted Protege  |  

The everyday life of consumers is changing by the minute. Our demands change. Our styles change. Our interests change. Thanks to technology, the use of smart phones and tablets has completely transformed the way in which we consume information and engage with one another. Think about it. When was the last time you didn't have…

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Introducing The New Accepted Proteges at AdEase

Accepted Protege  |  

Last week we brought in our first ever team of Accepted Proteges for our new Talent Acceleration Program. With these latest additions to the AdEase team we hope to foster an environment where top of the line skill meets real life experience to make the most efficient members in the field of advertising. Over the next…

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In honor of the U.S. Women's soccer team's recent success in the World Cup and the Real Madrid vs. CD Guadalajara match in San Diego, AdEase presents, in no particular order, ten great soccer-related commercials. Nike: Women's World Cup This commercial focuses on the 1999 World Cup champion team. Nike was able to tie in…

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The first amendment sometimes is lost in translation. Or rather found in a variety of translations. Some argue that this country was founded on the principle of free speech and that censorship should be illegal. Others argue that in some cases we may need more censorship as they do not wish to be subjected to…

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re•li•gion Show Spelled [ri-lij-uh n] –noun a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion. Religion. Nine insignificant letters that when placed together carry huge weight. If you’ve paid any attention to the media lately then you know that judgment…

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Spring is here and that means thousands of new graduates will soon be celebrating the completion of their college degrees. Amidst the excitement is also the fearful grumble in the back of all upcoming and recent graduates’ minds, “What do I do now?” We’ve all heard how difficult the job market is right now and…

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Commercial Favorites You can call us ad-nerds, but we love commercials.We always have. Favorite commercials are a common topic of conversation in the AdEase office, so we decided to share some of our favorites. Current Favorites Miracle Whip Watch El Monterrey Watch AT&T U Verse Watch Delux Walls Watch Chrysler Eminem Super Bowl Watch Volkswagon…

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Branding is everything. It’s who you are, what you represent, what you purchase or participate in. It’s a definition. What attracts us to a particular brand? Why are we compelled to purchase one product over another? Why do we participate in one event over another? Where does brand affinity come from? You create a need,…

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The face of Facebook is slowly being chipped away. I don't mean Mark Zuckerberg's face is deteriorating, nor do I mean that pixels are falling off your screen or that the site will stop growing. In all likelihood, its user interface will continue receiving regularly scheduled facelifts and its database of users will continue to…

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Rebranding is a crucial change for a company. It can make or break the company image. If the campaign is not well planned and organized and fails to achieve a set goal, it could not only cost a company thousands of dollars, but place a negative light on the company’s overall image. Thinking with a…

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