If the above sounds the slightest bit interesting the odds are you’re an advertising or marketing professional and at some point, you’ve been tasked with selling a product, service, or idea. If however you’re not familiar, a claim is any statement of fact that’s made on behalf of what’s being promoted to help differentiate, establish…
Read MoreGo to any office ripe with 20 and 30 somethings and there’s bound to be a competitive but friendly nature when it comes to anything and Civilian is no different. Whether we’re battling for the fastest finish in our police training course, encouraging a lunchtime hot sauce eating contest or winning the office fantasy football…
Read MoreAs a marketing communications agency dedicated to the social good, few things get the Civilian flag flying higher than an opportunity to partner with like-minded clients. If a proposal lines up with our values and relevant experience, we’re basically running on jet fuel, and won’t rest until we’ve given it our all to secure that…
Read MoreAt Civilian we take a hard stance on a few things: 1. We seek first to understand before we try to be understood. 2. We are pro-dog: the more the merrier. And most importantly, we believe: 3. Where there's a WE there's a WAY. This isn’t just a pithy and inspiring rally cry that’s posted…
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