The uncommon agency for the common good

TAP Life

My Crash Course in Advertising

July 30, 2019 | by Account Services TAP | TAP Life

It was the beginning of my last spring semester at San Diego State University, and I needed an internship. Graduation requirements, my parents, and friends were all telling me so. I had taken a variety of classes within my journalism major—including public relations, media studies, and advertising—but was unsure of how I wanted to take…

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The Job Hopper

September 20, 2018 | by Mariana Fernandes | Agency Life, Civilian Water Cooler, TAP Life

I’ve never been the most decisive person when it comes to my professional life. I changed majors three times, I had internships in four different industries, and ended up going into a different industry than the one I graduated in. My life has never been linear in that sense, and Civilian was the perfect fit…

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Tapping into Agency Life

August 29, 2018 | by Digital TAP | TAP Life

Intro to TAP Program: Civilian’s Talent Accelerator Program (TAP for short), is an intensive 90-day paid internship program for recent college grads or current students. TAPs get the opportunity to do real work for real clients, and work together as our own micro-agency. We experience agency life hands on and at the end of our…

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August 3, 2017 | by Creative AP | TAP Life

When I started off as a college student, I always asked people what I could do to increase my chances of finding a job right after graduation. Often times, I found that the only advice they would offer me was to have a couple of internships under my belt. Now, I’ll admit I was always…

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