It’s that time of year where American flags fly high and Facebook feeds flood with both positive and negative (educated and uneducated) comments about who will be the next leader of our country. I really can’t imagine the pressure of being a political leader, or any celebrity figure for that matter; having your every word and action scrutinized by the nation- even across the world. Not only are your political and moral stances judged, but your specific word choices, vocal tones and body language, the tie you wear, how much your wife spends on her wardrobe, how you raise your children, etc are put under the media microscope. People across the world are sitting in front of their televisions or radios, waiting to put you in a box. Every single moment has an impact.
I would imagine that typically presidential candidates might be able to assuage their insecurities by knowing that while half of the country hates them, the other half loves them. It’s almost expected that once you are in the Republican or Democratic box, you will be endeared by your political party.
What is peculiar about this year’s election is that while both candidates fit in their perspective boxes well enough, their parties aren’t particularly excited to associate with either box. As one SNL skit jokes, “You can either stick with what’s been barely working, or take your chances with [Romney].”
This year, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney not only need to fight against their opposing party, but they also need to win over their own party. It is especially important, as this season winds up, that every word and action these candidates make directly impact their personal brand as well as their party’s brand. Like any marketing campaign, every word, color, style, sound, and movement either reinforces or negates their brand image. This is not a job for them to be themselves; rather it is a job for them to be their box. It’s targeting on steroids- attempting to prove to their target that they still want this “product.” For the next four years anyway.
Which box do you fit in? Take this quiz and find out.
Sarah Matley
Account Services Coordinator
Mood: Un-convinced