Online Advertising Spend to Exceed Print for 2012

Jan 26, 2012  |  By Civilian  |  

As interactive media transforms and consumer influences continue to shift, 2012 is expected to be the year that online advertising will surpass print.

A study released by eMarketer this month predicts that online advertising will grow 23.3% to $39.5 billion in 2012. The study forecasts that advertisers will spend $33.8 billion on magazine and newspaper advertisements, for a slight 6% decrease from 2011.


The study also predicts that online ad spending will continue to increase every year, and by 2016 internet budgets will account for $62 billion, almost double the estimate for print, and about one third of total media advertising spend. Online is not, however, expected to surpass TV advertising.


Other sources have reported the average cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for     internet views at approximately 15% the cost of impressions for TV and 25% of views for print ads. As an AdEase Digital Services Project Manager, I may be a bit biased towards online, but digital dollars sure do have a lot more bang for their buck! Based on those ratios, the total number of impressions for internet ads will exceed TV commercial views by over 300% and print by approximately 470% in 2012.

Media competition aside, the ad industry is expected to have a strong year overall with spending forecast to grow by 6.7% to $169.5 billion.  Now that is something we can all celebrate!

Rachel Brown
Digital Services Project Manager
Mood: Cheery


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