Check This Out

Apr 3, 2012  |  By Civilian  |  

It may just be me, but this year is flying by quicker than usual. It’s April, and I don’t know when that happened. I’m not emotionally prepared for it. Easter next week, then Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and OMG! It’s almost Christmas! Moreover, it’s got me thinking about how rapidly our industry is moving and changing, too. (Transitional sentence, what up.) Technology is impacting us on all levels, and every new toy and product means a new tactic-slash-gimmick-slash-audience is created. I have been harping a lot lately on trying out new forms of media marketing and utilizing every option. Try everything twice, right?

Multi-media marketing is big. Second screen marketing is big. But my new crush of the moment (besides David Beckham) is really the perfect union of personal touch and current technology. Under the umbrella of interactive marketing, this up-and-coming trend goes to show that face-to-face communication is making a bit of a comeback, which I find incredibly comforting.

Enter Facebook Deals. A marriage of social networking, incentive-based marketing, and gimmicks. Basically, it’s Facebook’s version of Groupon–but a little bit more personal. The tool is only available to businesses that have physical locations in which you can Check-In. Press the button on your phone or tablet or laptop, physically show the screen to an employee, and then receive a deal. For example, last week I was at my hair salon and saw a little sign on the mirror next to me. “Check-In on Facebook and receive a free deep conditioning treatment TODAY!!” I was lured in, duh. Like I have said before, never underestimate the magic of a good gimmick. So I did my Check-In, I showed it to Andrea, my stylist, and I walked out with luxe locks. No complaints, and a win for both parties–me with my ‘do, the salon with knowledge that all my online friends now knowing where I get this beautiful mane. (If we were Skyping you’d see my exaggerated hair toss right now.)

There are other Apps coming out with similar ideas, but those Apps don’t come in with the built-in structure and networking that Facebook can offer, especially to small local businesses. Moral of the story: If you fit the mold for this kind of business model, I suggest you give it a go.


Katherine Timm
Director of Business Development
Mood: Shiny

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