AdEase Has Messages for Zuckerberg

Jan 16, 2013  |  By Civilian  |  

facebook 100Facebook recently announced that consumers could send CEO, Mark Zuckerberg a direct message if he or she were willing to pay $100. We asked our staff what they would want message Mr. Zuckerberg and here’s what a few of them said:

1.   “I see an opportunity for Facebook to capitalize on the Health Care Crisis and increase overall earnings by integrating a live web chat feature with doctors on Facebook. Plenty people comment and share their ailments using Facebook already. It would be nice if they could chat with their physician in real time. The user could take a picture using Instagram and then tag their doctor and he could then comment back on his diagnosis and charge via Paypal and collect $100. Brilliant!”   -Trisha Hall, Media Director

2.   “What’s on your mind, Mr. Zuckerberg?”  – Sherry LeCocq, Public Relations Manager

3.    “What’s a facebook?” – Michael Sterns

And best of all, Monty, the agency dog would like to ask Mr. Zuckerberg’s dog a question:

4.   “Beast, would love to discuss sheepherding over lunch. My efforts with gophers have erstwhile proved unsuccessful. Would appreciate your expert opinion. Have your people call my people.”   – Montysaurus Wrex, agency super dog


Sherry LeCocq
Public Relations Manager
Mood:  Sarcastic

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