5 Extensions to Make your Google Text Ads Stand Out

Dec 16, 2011  |  By Civilian  |  

With everyone jumping on the SEM/SEO bandwagon, it can be a challenge to make your pay per click ads stand out from the pack.  The sponsored text ads section of Google search is no longer a novelty.  Search engine ads have evolved beyond a headline, two text rows, and a destination URL.  With Google AdWords extensions you can add-on to the standard ad format, helping to distinguish your ad from your competitors. Use one of these five tools that best fits your business and start raking in the online conversions!

1. Location extensions
With the location extension, search users located near one of your business locations will see your standard ad text plus your business address and telephone number.  If the users Google query brings up Google Maps, they will also see an icon and map marker on your location that expands to show a business image.

2. Call extensions
If you include a call extension your ad will appear with a click to call phone number which, if the user is on a smart phone, will call your phone number directly from the ad.



3. Ad Sitelinks
A highly underused but powerful ad extension, sitelinks, allows you to add additional page links to ads that trigger from searches related to your brand.


4. Product Extensions
Probably the most eye-catching of all the extension options are product extensions.  If advertisers link Google AdWords to Google Merchant Center, Google will highlight search ads with a  product  image, name, and price.


5. Social Extensions
Although Google+ adoption rates are slow compared to Facebook and Twitter, displaying your Google +1s on your ad can give it that social savvy boost it may need to drive home the sale.









Author: Rachel Brown
Title: Digital Services Project Manager
Mood: Hyper

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