Social Media – The New Call Center?

Jan 25, 2013  |  By Civilian  |  

customer-service-meets-social-mediaRaise your hand if you like: automated voice-messaging systems that cannot understand the pronunciation of the number two. Two thumbs up from anyone who appreciates: long waits on the phone with a beep in your ear or the soothing sounds of elevator music. And, a big whoooraahhh from the anonymous lovers of being transferred to four different department representatives.

These are a few reasons “Social Care” (social media customer service) is rapidly becoming a favorite for unhappy customers. As a result, Social Care is becoming a mandatory brand practice.

If social media is useful for anything, it is streamlining communication. For distraught consumers, customer service via social media is the responsive service they demand. This customer service revolution is already progressing. In a recent social media report from Nielsen, 47% of social media users engage in Social Care. Also, one in three social users prefer to reach out to brands and businesses via social media channels rather than phone or email. No surprise here that the younger the user is the more likely they are to reach out via the top social media channels.

Users favorite Social Care solutions:

  • 29% Facebook business page
  • 28% Facebook personal page
  • 15% Official company blog
  • 14% Twitter (no “@” mention of company)
  • 13% Twitter (“@” mention of company)
  • 12% Youtube (company’s channel)
  • 11% Youtube (users channel)
  • 11% non-company blog


Next time you are distraught over a product warranty or service interruption, second guess the dial tone and select that social app.


James Williams
Media Coordinator
Mood: Helpful

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