You may or may not be aware of the new IAB ad units, Rising Stars, now being adopted by the digital industry at large. These new rich media banner ad options were created in an effort to spur greater creativity and connection with the right consumers on their terms.
- Why Rising Stars vs. Standard Banners? – The standard banners ad units (300×250 & 728×90) are experiencing fatigue in the marketplace and ultimately have led to banner blindness. Consumers know where these banners fall on the site and their eyes avoid the advertising message. This has resulted in decreased interaction rates, time spent and overall eye gaze rates.
- What is Considered Rising Stars? – There are three categories for RS ads – display, mobile and video. Rising Stars Examples
- Display RS – Billboard, Filmstrip, Portrait, Pushdown and Sidekick
- Mobile RS – Filmstrip, Pull, Adhesion Banner, Full Page Flex, Slider
- Video RS – Filmstrip, Ad Control Bar, Time Sync, Extender, Full Screen
- Do RS Ads Work? – Current data shows that users are 2.5x more likely to interact/spend time with RS ads and 3x as long viewing with these banner units. This increases the visibility of these ads by 26%.
While RS ads are just entering the marketplace, 76% of advertising agencies claim they will be using these units in 2013. Since RS inventory only incorporates about 10% of the market, standard banners will still be relevant but, like every other medium, digital now has more options to engage their targets.
Trisha Hall
Group Media Director
Mood: Motivated