We do the work so you don’t have to. Listed below are the top news and blog posts relating to the world of search and internet marketing. Click each link to read the full article at the original source.
Will Facebook Launch Its Own Phone At Its Android Product Event On April 4?
Facebook is announcing big news next Thursday at its Menlo Park headquarters. Invitations to attend a product announcement invited media professionals to “Come see our new home on Android.” Will it be a Facebook phone?
How to Live Tweet Like a Pro
Do you follow anyone who live-tweets the conferences as it goes? Extensively. Some people love it, some people hate it – but if you want to start live-tweeting for yourself, here are some things to keep in mind.
Learning From The 2012 SERPs
The good folks at SearchMetrics just released a fantastic study which details the changes to the SERPs and the trends which occurred in 2012. Video, images, shopping, news; it’s all there.
Google Analytics Real Time Gets Four New Features
Google announced they added four new features to their real time Analytics. The new features include: analyze Events in real-time, breakdown real-time by desktop/tablet/mobile traffic, create shortcuts to your favorite real-time segments, and compare real-time filtered data against overall real-time data.
Bing Offers Recommendations for SEO-Friendly AJAX: Suggests HTML5 pushState
Bing has announced support for HTML5 pushState as a way to implement AJAX on a site in a way that enables Bing to crawl and index the URLs and content. As Google has supported this implementation since early 2012, site owners finally have an AJAX option that can be crawled and indexed by both major search engines in the United States. (The ease of implementing is another story altogether.)
Google Says No To Phone Numbers In PPC Ads, Forcing The Use Of Call Extensions
You may have missed Google’s quiet and brief announcement that starting in April, AdWords ads with phone numbers in the text will be disapproved. Advertisers who want to display phone numbers will have to use the call extensions feature instead.
5 Steps to Facebook Advertising – Video
Facebook advertising has taken the marketing world by storm. But with so many advertising options available within Facebook, how do you know where to start the campaigns that will best support your goals and objectives?
Ron Wesson
Web Development/SEO Specialist
Mood: Reflective