With so many companies vying for attention, and scratching to secure a discernible shred of market share, the consumer can get lost in the mix. Marketers tell consumers what to buy, why to buy, when to buy, how to feel about the buy, and how to get others to buy in. But, in the cacophony of mixed messages, what REALLY matters to the consumer? What do people respond to? What does a person “like”?
In 1952 Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote a short book that forever changed the way we think about personal development. It was called, “The Power of Positive Thinking,” where he looked at the effects of a positive mental attitude. What he discovered was simpler than anyone expected; positive thinkers see and seize opportunities at almost 30 times the rate of negative thinkers!
But, I wonder. Can the same be said for positive messages? Can positive messages consequently have a positive effect on people? Over the course of the next month, we are going to include a series of positive messages and images in the hopes that you, our faithful and awesome readers will respond. “Like” our posts, comment on them, give us suggestions of what you’d like to see. We want to hear from you.
Of course, the true impact of any campaign depends on whether anyone is listening. So, tell me. Are you listening?
Sherry LeCocq
Public Relations Manager
Mood: Convinced