The uncommon agency for the common good

Tag Archives: branding

More Than a Brand

March 31, 2011 | by Sarah Michelle Matley | How To’s

Branding is everything. It’s who you are, what you represent, what you purchase or participate in. It’s a definition. What attracts us to a particular brand? Why are we compelled to purchase one product over another? Why do we participate in one event over another? Where does brand affinity come from? You create a need,…

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Three Steps to Successful Branding

July 21, 2010 | by Civilian | How To’s

Branding. We are repeatedly smacked across the face with this word, this concept. Is there any true definition, we wonder? This one little word can have so much meaning behind it, enough in fact, to make or break an entire company. Branding, if approached and executed correctly, can take a business to a place unimaginable…

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Why Good Design makes Good Business Sense

August 25, 2009 | by Civilian | Creative Find

Design is everywhere. It’s built into every product we purchase; every store we visit to purchase these products; the product’s shape, functionality and materials, the packaging, the branding and the advertising. It’s all designed to entice us to purchase one certain product or service over another. We can tell when a product has been well…

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