Mad Dog – a day in the life of an agency dog

Mar 9, 2012  |  By Civilian  |  

You may have watched a ratings winning TV drama based around advertising. Well, I’m here to set the record straight and let me tell you, it’s not all hooking up with Lassie.  Here’s a Mad Dog’s snapshot of daily agency life.

First order of business is to make my presence known to the ladies. I’ve found that a slight tilt of the head, a glint in the eye and a subtle brush against the leg usually works. If that doesn’t elicit some heavy petting, it’s going to be a long day in advertising.

Where my schedule permits, I attend the daily stand-up meetings although I must confess that I often lay down and don’t pay too much attention as I’m usually thinking about my first drink; water, straight-up, no ice.

The real business of the day begins around 11am. I graduated magna fun K9 in dual honors kibble n bit-ology so was obviously drawn to the media department. Don’t let anyone tell you the glamour’s all in creative and account services. I mean, have you ever worked out the CPM for a multi-million dollar campaign – I have to use all my paws sometimes!

After that stress, I usually calm down with another drink and maybe some shredding before heading out to a long lunch (I like anywhere in Balboa Park). The afternoon starts with a long idea-generating nap followed by a brief perusal of the trade press. Advertising Age is great and all that but I must admit sneaking a quick look at the Ruffington Post once in a while.

Another drink usually revives me for the afternoon where I manage some project scheduling – I mean 24 hours for a media strategy – are you Sirius?

A quick check of my Petco stock and another glance at the news before I head out. Although Super Tuesday held no interest for me, I am a contributor to the superPAC “Canines for a Feline Free Tomorrow”.  Read up people – what do you know about Hank??

Well, I’m off for a cocktail or two (a greyhound if you’re wondering)


Mad Dog, Montysaurus Wrex.

Footnote: Human thanks to NPR for the funniest election piece I’ve heard so far this season and to the AMC website for the cocktail inspiration.

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