It’s that time of year again. As the leaves begin to turn, it’s important to take time to reflect on your life, to be grateful for the experiences you’ve had, the friends and family you cherish and hopefully, the time you’ve taken to give back to your community. Last week, the Account Services team at Civilian spent the day volunteering with San Diego Habitat for Humanity restoring an 80 year old home.
Habitat for Humanity builds and restores homes for low-income families and then finances the homes for 25 to 30 years with 0 percent interest. The homes are built with donations of money, materials and labor and are sold below or at cost.
Leah Davis, Account Supervisor, captured how we felt heading into the day. “I thought it would be a fun, easy, team-building day with the team.” However, we were tasked with nailing down wooden blocks between slats on the roof of the home; which proved much more difficult than we were expecting. “It was hard work!” Leah explained. “Even though we know we were given a difficult task, our team showed a lot of patience and heart to not just get it done, but get it done right.”
After our six hour day, we left with not only a sense of accomplishment, but a feeling of gratitude for the homes we return to everyday after work. Deborah Lepas, Account Executive, said “I realized how lucky I have been in life. A house of 600 sq. ft. is going to house a whole family. That is insane, but I am excited for this family to move in and have a roof over their head and live in a house that has been built with love!”
As we prepare for the holiday season, we plan to continue to reflect upon the work we did and look for other ways that we can give back to our community. Sean McGrath, Director of Account Services is hoping to diversify his volunteering effort. “I’m interested in doing these kind of local things as well as remote, more professional volunteering with something like Catchafire.”
The Account Services team is so grateful that we had the opportunity to further Civilian’s mission, as the uncommon agency for the common good.
For more information about Habitat for Humanity or to sign up for a work day, click here.