The uncommon agency for the common good

AP Journal #7: A creative debacle

Aug 1, 2014 | by Accepted Protege | Civilian Water Cooler

What do you think about the traditional creative team format (Copy and Art)?

Greg: As far as creative work goes, a few things about creating good work remain consistent over time. However, as we move into a more digitally driven future, there is less emphasis on the printed word. The supporters of this argument cite the impending death of the newspaper and other print mediums they deem “obsolete”. In advertising there is a bond between the copywriter and art director which exists for two tasks; coming up with how to say something and collaborating on how to visually depict it. Some argue that this pairing is somewhat dated and ineffective. On the other hand, the argument in support of the copy/art team is that creatives and creative work is best done in pairs or groups. Reason being, creatives need the interaction and the opportunity to bounce ideas off one another. But if two heads are really greater than one, why not add a couple more heads? While the argument regarding whether or not the need for a copy/art team is necessary, there’s no denying that a well-rounded creative team matched with a solid accounts team will mesh nicely and more effectively than any of those functions alone. Throw in a digital and media team and you’ve got yourself a well-oiled advertising machine.

Victor: There is no doubt that the creative team has grown a few heads. Since the adoption of multimedia elements in the industry, it has become impossible for advertisers to ignore the new kids on the block – Programmers, Social media coordinators, UI/UX designers, etc. – and the dynamic is a mess. To me, someone who has experienced the digital marketing side of the spectrum, the biggest argument to be made is for the copywriter. These days you’ve got social media professionals and SEO specialists writing copy, ignoring brand identity, and essentially harming the businesses they claim to be helping. Perhaps agencies would do well in returning to the creative “team” format. Perhaps establishing that the creative team be all-inclusive is the way to go. Who knows? There are no best practices in creative. The shift to digital has made us forget that a good ol’ fashioned concept that works, no matter what the medium, isn’t powered by an algorithm. We’ll see what the creative format looks like in the near future, but for now I’m going to stick to the tried and true idea that two heads are better than one.


Greg Okawachi


Victor Escoto


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