The uncommon agency for the common good

All posts by Civilian

Rising Stars: 3 Things You Should Know

May 30, 2013 | by Civilian | Digital Trends

You may or may not be aware of the new IAB ad units, Rising Stars,  now being adopted by the digital industry at large. These new rich media banner ad options were created in an effort to spur greater creativity and connection with the right consumers on their terms. Why Rising Stars vs. Standard Banners? –…

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Facebook Video Ads Coming to a Newfeed Near You

April 16, 2013 | by Civilian | Digital Trends

Not too long ago, I gave an interview about the possible effects of Facebook placing video ads in user newsfeeds. At the time, the idea was just a far off rumor, but now the rumor seems to be getting more real.  According to Ad Age’s article released a few hours ago, Facebook is preparing to…

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Pumped Up on Muscle Milk Marketing

March 5, 2013 | by Civilian | Civilian Water Cooler

  One of the perks of working at an agency like AdEase is that we often have visitors that spoil us with the newest gifts and products.  One of our favorite visitors is Muscle Milk who sends a crew out every couple months or so to pay us a visit and educate us on some…

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What motivates you?

February 25, 2013 | by Civilian | Civilian Water Cooler

Motivation is different for every person. Certainly in the business world, some thrive on being the first, or perhaps the best, while others may be financially driven. People tend to be motivated by something they want, need, can relate to or believe in. It can be ignited by oneself or by other people. Motivation and positive…

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Dating in the Workplace

February 21, 2013 | by Civilian | Civilian Water Cooler

In an advertising agency that is growing steadily, the difficult but rewarding process of hiring staff has been a major part of my job description. In addition to the basic job requirements, I’m looking for specific experiences, fit, and communication style. Culture and future goals are also top-of-mind when searching for that perfect person. As…

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